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Getting Started


Thank you very much for choosing our theme. We truly appreciate and really hope that you'll enjoy our theme! If you like this theme, Please support us by rating us 5 stars.

In this user guide you will find all required information to get your site up and running: starting from theme installation, settings and setup to usage of different demos templates.

Install Theme

Install Wordpress:Download and Install the newest version of WordPress.

Install theme via Wordpress Dashboard:

  1. Go to 'Appearance > Theme' section
  2. Click 'Add New' and select the 'Upload' option
  3. Upload the zip file
  4. All Done :) (see fig 1.1, fig 1.2)

If any error appears, most probably, your hosting has file size limit. You can contact your hosting provider and ask to ease this restrictions (e.g 32MB will do).

Theme Installation via FTP:

  1. Access to the file on your server using ftp editor program
  2. Go to 'wp-content/themes' folder
  3. Extract the zip file and put the blurb folder there
  4. Go to 'Wordpress Dashboard > Appearance > Theme' section to activate the theme
  5. All Done :)

If above steps did not yield any results, please don’t hesitate to address this issue directly to your hosting company. Since this is most likely a server-related problem, we will not be able to help you!

Install theme via wp

Fig. 1.1 Install Theme

Install theme via wp

Fig. 1.2 Install Theme

Activate Theme:
  1. Go to 'Appearance > Theme' section.
  2. Select the Blurb theme.
  3. Hitting the correspondent "Activate" link.
  4. All Done :)
Install theme via wp

Fig. 1.3 Theme Activate

Plugins Installation:

After install the theme and activate the theme, there'll be a list of suggested and recommended plugins at the top of the wordpress dashboard.

Required plugins

Fig. 1.4 Required Plugins

Required plugins list

Fig. 1.5 Required Plugins List

Attention! Note that after install all required plugins you must go theme options and save this.

Mega Menu

  1. First Create your menu.
  2. Then go the menu custom link
  3. And Click the Click the Active mega Menu
  4. Then add the menu column and pages

Create A Mega Menu. Create a dropdown menu that appears when the user moves the mouse over an element inside a navigation bar.


Fig. Mega Menu step one


Fig. Mega Menu step two


Fig. Mega Menu output

Import Demo

After required plugin ( Viog Aide ) install and activate, demo importer options appear in tools setting.

Now you will see grid list of demo site. every grid list demo item have two button. Priview button give ability to preview the demo site and import button is import thst demo site.

Import demo site

Fig. 2.1 Import Demo Site

Add Market

Step First:
  1. Click Blurb Market
  2. Add New
  3. Market Name
  4. Market Color
  5. Add Market Link URL:
  6. And Give the update
add market

Add Product Category

Step Second:
  1. Blurb Products
  2. Product Categories
  3. Name of product category
  4. Category Description
  5. Upload the category image
  6. Add Category product Specification
  7. Add Click Updated
add market

Add Badges

Step Three:
  1. Blurb Products
  2. Product Badges
  3. Product Badges Description
category add

Product Badges

Add Product

Step Four:
  1. Blurb Products
  2. Product Categories
  3. Name of product category
  4. Category Description
  5. Upload the category image
  6. Add Category product Specification
  7. Add Click Updated
category add

Fig: Produdct part one

category add

Fig: Product part two

category add

Fig: Product part three

category add

Fig: Product part four

Add Product Review

Step Five:
  1. Title:Add your rating title
  2. Content:Add your rating content here.
  3. Switch:Please keep on the switch and select the product
  4. Editor Ratings:Add here the editor rating here
category add

Fig: Product review part one

category add

Fig: Product review part two

category add

Fig: Product review output

Add Product Rating

Step Six:
  1. Content: Add your rating content here.
  2. Reviewed Product: Select the rating product.
  3. Select Market: Please select market products.
  4. Name: The Review Author name
  5. Website: Type here the website site link.
  6. Pros: List of pros list content here
  7. Cons: List of cons list content here
  8. Rating: Select the rating here.
category add

Fig: Product rating part one

category add

Fig: Product rating part two

category add

Fig: Product rating output

Add Product Coupon

Step Seven:
  1. Title: Add your product coupon title.
  2. Content: Add your product coupon content.
  3. Product: Select the product coupon.
  4. Select Market: Please select market products.
  5. Code: Give the product coupon code
  6. Expire Date: Type product coupon code expired date.
category add

Fig: Product coupon

Theme Options

Site Identity:
  1. Logo : This is the site logo options . just upload the logo then you will see your given logo top left of your site. Recommended logo height is 135px for best outcome.
  2. Site Title : Give the site title here. If logo options leave blank then site title show instead of logo.
  3. Tagline : Give the site Tagline here. this is a site tagline option.
  4. Logo Size : You can change your logo size here but it change the logo size base of logo aspect ratio.
  5. Favicon : Favicon are what you see in browser tabs, bookmark bars Upload one here!. This favicon also have in Appearance>Customizer>Site Identity as a Site icon. Once you give site icon/ favicon through Customizer then no need to give here.
General settings

Site Identity

  1. Back To Top : This is the site Back To Top options .
  2. Custom Excerpt : Post Custom Excerpt
  3. Social Links : Set Site Topbar Socail Link
  4. Currencies : You can change Currencies in Site Top Bar Section.
  5. Custom CSS Style : Blurb Site Custom Css Add.
  6. Custom JS Style :Blurb Site Custom JS Add.
General settings General settings

Site Entities

Sign In:
  1. Label of Sign In Tab : Enter Sign In Label Text Here .
  2. Background Image : Set Background Image in Sign In Popup
  3. Description : Enter Description
  4. Social Login : Chose Socail Login .
  5. Label of Username / Email : Enter Label of Username / Email.
  6. Placeholder of Username / Email :Enter Placholder Username / Email.
  7. Label of Password : Set Label Of Password.
  8. Placeholder of Password : Set Placeholder of Password.
  9. Remember : Chose Remember On/Off.
  10. Label of Remember : Set Label Of Remeber.
  11. Label of Submit Button: Set Label Of Submit Button.
  12. Policy: Set Blurb Policy.
  13. Text: Set Blurb Text.
Sign In settings Sign in settings

Site Sign In

Sign UP:
  1. Label of Sign UP Tab : Enter Sign UP Label Text Here .
  2. Background Image : Set Background Image in Sign UP Popup
  3. Description : Enter Description
  4. Social Login : Chose Socail Login .
  5. Label of Username / Email : Enter Label of Username / Email.
  6. Placeholder of Username / Email :Enter Placholder Username / Email.
  7. Label of Password : Set Label Of Password.
  8. Placeholder of Password : Set Placeholder of Password.
  9. User Url : Set User Url On/Off.
  10. First Name : Set First Name On/Off.
  11. Last Name : Set Last Name On/Off
  12. Nickname : Set Nickname On/Off.
  13. Description: Set Description On/Off.
  14. Policy: Set Policy On/Off.
Sign UP settings Sign UP settings Sign UP settings

Site Sign UP

Header Settings:

Header settings have several major parts ( topbar area, address area, menu area ).

  1. Header Style: Chose Header Style On Your site.
  2. Header Layout: Chose Header Layout On Your site.
  3. Topbar: On/off option. It will active or deactive topbar of your site.
  4. Side Menu: On/off option. It will active or deactive Side Menu of your site.
  5. Social Icon: on/off option for active or deactive social icon of your site topbar left side.
  6. Topbar menu: on/off option for active or deactive Topbar menu of your site.
  7. Login: On/off option will active or deactive login option in tobar right side. Its also have two subfields. Icon field and Text field give access to change login option icon and login text.
  8. Contact Information: Ots comes 3 subfields, on/off field work as usual like others and contact number and icon field give access to change contact number and icon.
Header settings

Header settings

Post Layout Settings:

In Layout Settings, all options will affect globally on your site.

Posts List/Blog :Posts List Posts List also none as Blog or Blog Listing page. Inner all options fields will affect on Posts List/Blog/Blog List.

  1. Container Layout: You can select what container you want to use
  2. Grid Layout: Select how many column you want to use.
  3. Show Banner: Give access to on/off the banner.
  4. Banner Text : Give access to change Posts List banner text. If leave blank the it’s show default text “BLOG”.
  5. Grid Style : Give access to change Posts Grid Style.
  6. Sidebar Layout : Give access to change sidebar left or right or off on Posts List page.
  7. Excerpt Length : Give the number of word, that number of word show each post content text in Posts list page.
  8. Show pagination : Show Page Pagination On Off Here.
Posts list

Posts/ Single Post

Post/Single Post:

  1. Container Layout: You can select what container you want to use.
  2. Show Banner: Give access to on/off the banner.
  3. Banner Text :This field have 2 options, one active the custom text for post banner text. If Custom Banner subfield leave blank then it’s show default text “Single Post Details”. Two set as post title option will set the post title as banner text.
  4. Inner Title: on/off option for active and deactive inner post title in post content area. If Banner Text field set as post title then Inner Title should be off for good outcome.
  5. Align: Change inner title alignment.
  6. Post Meta : Give access to choose which which post meta you want to show in single post page.
  7. Social Share: if you want to share your post at any social site, then choose here between given social site.
  8. Author Bio : on/off the author bio in single post page.
Posts list

Post/Single Post

Page/Page Details :

  1. Container Layout: You can select what container you want to use.
  2. Breadcrumb: You can select Breadcrumb.
  3. Show Banner: You can select Hide Show Banner.
  4. Sidebar Layout : You can select Sidebar Layout.
  5. Inner Post Title : You can selec Inner Post Title.

Attention! If you wanna change particular page setting then go that page from admin page menu and change page layout setting.


Page/Page Details

Search and Archive Page Layout :

  1. Container Layout: You can select what container you want to use.
  2. Show Banner: Give access to on/off the banner.
  3. Banner Text : Give access to change banner text. If leave blank the it’s show default text. Archive page banner default text “ARCHIVE :” and Search page banner default text “SEARCH :”.
  4. Sidebar Layout : Give access to change sidebar left or right or off on those pages.
  5. Grid Layout : Give access to change grid layout.
  6. Show pagination : hide/show pagination .

Search Page


Fig. 3.3.5 Archive Page

404 Page Layout :

  1. Container Layout: You can select what container you want to use.
  2. Show Banner: Give access to on/off the banner on 404 page.
  3. Banner Text : Give access to change banner text on 404 page. If leave blank the it’s show default text “Page Not Found”.
  4. Sidebar Layout : Give access to change sidebar left or right or off on 404 page.
  5. Header Text: Give access to change header text in 404 page content. Default text is “Oops! That page can’t be found.”.
  6. Content Text : Give access to change 404 content text.
404 Page

404 Page


Shop Layout Settings.

  1. Select Shop/Products List Page: Chose Shop/Products List Page.
  2. Product Limit Per Page: Chose Product Limit Per Page On Shop/Products List.
  3. Container Layout: chose contain Layout.
  4. Breadcrumb: there option to chose Breadcrumb option 1.Inside The Banner 2.Outside The Banner 3.Off
  5. Show Banner/Slider: there option to chose Banner/Slider option 1.Banner 2.Slider 3.None.
  6. Sidebar Layout: there option to chose Sidebar Layout option 1.Left 2.Right 3.Center.
  7. Show Product Description: two option to chose Show Product Description Layout option 1.Grid View 2.List View
  8. Excerpt Length: You can limit Product Description on This Page .
Header settings

Shop Layout settings

Single Product Layout Settings:

In Layout Settings, all options will affect globally on your site.

  1. Container Layout: You can select what container you want to use
  2. Breadcrumb: there option to chose Breadcrumb option 1.Inside The Banner 2.Outside The Banner 3.Off
  3. Show Banner: 2 option to chose Banner/Slider option 1.Banner text 2.Text Alignment
Posts list

Single Product Layout Settings

Wishlist :

  1. Select Wistlist Page Layout: You can Chose Wistlist Page Layout
  2. Container Layout: You can select what container you want to use
  3. Breadcrumb: there option to chose Breadcrumb option 1.Inside The Banner 2.Outside The Banner 3.Off
  4. Show Banner: 2 option to chose Banner/Slider option 1.Banner text 2.Text Alignment


Compare :

  1. Select Compare Page Layout: You can Chose Compare Page Layout
  2. Select Product Markets Compare Page: You can Chose Product Markets Compare Page
  3. Container Layout: You can select what container you want to use
  4. Breadcrumb: there option to chose Breadcrumb option 1.Inside The Banner 2.Outside The Banner 3.Off
  5. Show Banner: 2 option to chose Banner/Slider option 1.Banner text 2.Text Alignment

Compare Page

Coupon List Settings:

Coupon List Settings.

  1. Select Coupon List Page: You can Chose Coupon List Page.
  2. Coupon Limit Per Page: Chose Coupon Limit Per Page On Coupon List.
  3. Container Layout: chose contain Layout.
  4. Search Style : chose Search Style.
  5. Breadcrumb: there option to chose Breadcrumb option 1.Inside The Banner 2.Outside The Banner 3.Off
  6. Show Banner/Slider: there option to chose Banner/Slider option 1.Banner 2.Slider 3.None.
  7. Banner Background Image: You Can Add Banner Background Image
  8. Custom Subtext: You Can Add Custom Subtext
  9. Sidebar Layout: there option to chose Sidebar Layout option 1.Left 2.Right 3.Center.
  10. Social Share Icon: you can chose Social Share Icon
  11. Show pagination: You can On/Off pagination Coupon List Page .
coupon list

Coupon List Settings

Save Coupon:

In Save Coupon Settings, all options will affect globally on your site.

  1. Select Saved Coupons Page: You can Select Saved Coupons Page
  2. Container Layout: You can select what container you want to use
  3. Breadcrumb: there option to chose Breadcrumb option 1.Inside The Banner 2.Outside The Banner 3.Off
  4. Show Banner: 2 option to chose Banner/Slider option 1.Banner text 2.Text Alignment

Save Coupon


Market Rating.

  1. Total Rating Title : You can Add Total Rating Title.
  2. Markets Title : You Can Add Markets Title.
  3. Market Rating Property Label : You Can Add Market Rating Property Label.
coupon list

Rating Settings

Rating List:

In Save Rating Settings, all options will affect globally on your site.

  1. Pagination: You can Show Pagination
  2. Rating Per Page: Rating Per Page
  3. Button Text: Add Rating Button Text
  4. Rating Posted Username Before Text: Rating Posted Username Before Text Add
  5. Rating Posted Market Before Text : Rating Posted Market Before Text Add
  6. Rating Posted Product Title Before Text : Rating Posted Product Title Before Text Add
  7. Pros Label : Pros Label Add
  8. Pros Icon : Pros Icon Add
  9. Cros Label : Cros Label Add
  10. Cons Icon : Cons Icon Add

Rating List


Product Review List Layout Settings.

  1. Select Product Review List Page : You can Select Select Product Review List Page.
  2. Limit Per Page : You can Add Limit Per Page.
  3. Container Layout: Chose contain Layout.
  4. Search Style : Chose Search Style.
  5. Breadcrumb: there option to Chose Breadcrumb option 1.Inside The Banner 2.Outside The Banner 3.Off
  6. Show Banner/Slider: there option to Chose Banner/Slider option 1.Banner 2.Slider 3.None.
  7. Banner Background Image: You Can Add Banner Background Image
  8. Custom Subtext: You Can Add Custom Subtext
  9. Sidebar Layout: there option to Chose Sidebar Layout option 1.Left 2.Right 3.Center.
  10. Show pagination: You can On/Off pagination review List Page .


Single Review:

In Save Single Reviews, all options will affect globally on your site.

  1. Container Layout: You can add Container Layout
  2. Breadcrumb: there option to Chose Breadcrumb option 1.Inside The Banner 2.Outside The Banner 3.Off
  3. Show Banner: 2 option to chose Banner/Slider option 1.Banner text 2.Text Alignment
  4. Sidebar Layout: there option to chose Sidebar Layout option 1.Left 2.Right 3.Center.
single review

Single Review

Color Scheme:

Theme color scheme :

  1. Primary Color : Primary color is the main theme color. This color will affect all of your site based on theme design.
  2. Body text Color: This color mostly use in body text color.
  3. Header Text Color : This color mostly use in header text color in your site.

Topbar color scheme:

  1. Background : you can change top bar background related everything's using this field.
  2. Font Color : This color use for text color in top bar area.
  3. Link Color : This color use for hover or link color in top bar area.

Menubar color scheme:

  1. Background : You can change menu bar background related everything's using this field.
  2. Font Color : This color use for text color in menu bar area.
  3. Link Color : This color use for hover or link color in menu bar area.

Banner color scheme:

  1. Background : You can change banner background related everything's using this field.
  2. Text Color : This color use for text color in banner area.

Footer color scheme:

  1. Widgets Area Background : You can change widgets area background related everything's using this field.
  2. Copyright Area Background : You can change copyright area background related everything's using this field.
  3. Font Color : This color use for text color in footer area.
  4. Link Color : This color use for hover or link color in footer area.
Color scheme Color scheme

Color Scheme


Body Font Settings:

  1. Font Family : You can change body font family using this field.
  2. Font Size: You can change body font size using this field.

Heading Font Settings:

  1. Font Family : You can change header font family using this field.
  2. Font Size: You can change individually header font size for different different header.


API Settings:
  1. Mailchimp API Key : Give mailchimp API key here for connecting with your MailChimp account.Get your API key here.
  2. Mailchimp List Id: Give mailchimp List Id here for connecting with your MailChimp account at particular list. Get your List id here.
Api settings

Api Settings


You can import or export your theme options setting here.

Backup settings

Backup Settings

Elementor Page Builder

It’s about time for a live page builder, with no limits of design. A page builder that delivers high-end page designs and advanced capabilities, never before seen on WordPress.

Blurb Section

Blurb section group element have special feature. You didn't need any ( row or section )before useing Blurb Section group elements.

  • Blurb Section product and review
  • Blurb Main Slider
  • Blurb Review Slider
  • Blurb Mini Slider
  • Blurb Section Title
  • Blurb Post Gallery
  • Blurb Single Product
  • Blurb Best Rated Product
  • Blurb Product Filter
  • Blurb Category Grid Style
  • Blurb Product Grid Style
  • Blurb News Letter
  • Blurb Best Review Carousel
  • Blurb Product Slider
  • Blurb Review Product Slider
  • Blurb Magazine Banner
  • Blurb Content Box
  • Blurb Offer Product
  • Blurb Latest Blog
  • Blurb Contact Form 7
  • Blurb Message Content
  • Blurb Call To Action
  • Blurb Slider Box
  • Blurb Icon Box
  • Blurb Buy Steps
  • Blurb Market Logos
  • Blurb Countdown Box
  • Blurb Service Box
  • Blurb Countdown
  • Blurb Carousel
  • Blurb Call Out
  • Blurb Audio Player
  • Blurb Advanced Heading
  • Blurb Advanced Image Gallery
  • Blurb Advanced Google Map
Blurb section

Fig. 5.1 Blurb Section

Blurb Elements

After you create a section you can drag and drop a widget inside. You can also divide each section to few columns. Every page you create can contain as many sections as you want. You can drag a section above or under another one to relocate it.

  1. Add New Section: Click this button to create a new section or simply drag a widget from the panel and drop it in the content area.
  2. Select Yout Structure: Choose a structure for your section (Later, you can edit the exact width of every column).

ou can edit, duplicate or delete a section. You can also save it as a template or add a new section above.

Blurb Grid Settings
Blurb section Blurb section Blurb section
Create Elementor Page

After you create a section you can drag and drop a widget inside. You can also divide each section to few columns. Every page you create can contain as many sections as you want. You can drag a section above or under another one to relocate it.

  1. Add New Section: Click this button to create a new section or simply drag a widget from the panel and drop it in the content area.
  2. Select Yout Structure: Choose a structure for your section (Later, you can edit the exact width of every column).

ou can edit, duplicate or delete a section. You can also save it as a template or add a new section above.

Blurb Grid Settings
Blurb section Blurb section Blurb section
Create Elementor Page

When you use a theme for your website, you get your theme’s Single Page Templates. With Elementor you can control the layout & design of the Single Page Templates.

Slider Settings

You can add Main Slider.And you can get output on directly.

  1. Title:Give here the slider title text here
  2. Content:Give here the slider Content text here
  3. Image:Give here the slider Image here
  4. Background:Upload here the slider Background if you need
  5. Button label:Write here your button name here
  6. Button URL:Write here your button link here
slider settings
Service Box Settings

You can add Service box.And you can get output on directly.

  1. Title:Give here the service title text here
  2. Service Image:Upload the service image icon
  3. Service Hover Background Image :Upload here the service item background image.
Service Box
Message Content Settings

You can add product carousel.And you can get output on directly.

  1. Title:Type of message content title here.
  2. Content:Type here message content here.
  3. Image:Type here image and you can able to resize the image size.
  4. Button Label:Type here button content
  5. Button URL:Type here button url
Service Box
Review Slider Settings

You can add Review Slider.And you can get output on directly.

  1. User Name:Type of your name here.
  2. User Role:Type of user role here.
  3. User Image:Upload here your user image here.
  4. Content:Type here testimonial contents
  5. Select Star:Select here user rating here.
  6. Image:Upload here Slider image.
Service Box
Latest Blog Settings

You can add Latest Blog.And you can get output on directly.

  1. Posts Per Page:Input here how much product do you want to show there.
  2. Select Category:Please select your post category where you want to show post.
  3. Post Excerpt:You can able to enable or disable the post content. And also able to give you how much content do you want to show there.
  4. Column Number:Select your image column numbers
Service Box
Call To Action Settings

You can add Call To Action. And you can get output on directly.

  1. Title:Call To Action Title.
  2. Button Level:Type the Button Level text content.
  3. Background Image:Upload the background image here.
Service Box